ASEAN | Life Sciences & Health Mission to Malaysia and Indonesia

maandag 22 mei 2023
Task Force Health CareEntreekosten
500,00 EUREvenement data
Van 22 mei 2023 09:00 Tot 26 mei 2023 23:59Are you looking to expand your business to the South East Asian region, or do you want to strengthen existing relations within the region? If so, the upcoming Life Sciences & Health mission to Malaysia and Indonesia might be of interest to you. From the 22nd of May to the 26th of May 2023, Task Force Health Care and a group of Dutch stakeholders will be traveling to the ASEAN region to have in-person contact with key opinion leaders and various stakeholders in the region.
This mission is part of a multiannual public-private program Strategic Multi-Annual Market Approach (SMM) program targeting South East Asia focused on Connected Care. As the second outgoing mission of this program, this mission will serve both new exploratory stakeholders as well as active stakeholders that have already settled in the region.
During this mission, we shall travel to:
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (optional)
- Surabaya and Jakarta, Indonesia
What can you expect?
Both Malaysia and Indonesia show strong economic growth and are actively investing in the healthcare sector. Both regions focus on improving the access to care, and quality of care, with digital as well as physical solutions. As The Netherlands encourages partnerships in this field with the ASEAN region, let’s utilize this opportunity to address these challenges together. Please find the draft program, here.
Opportunities in Malaysia
The public and private healthcare sectors in Malaysia are focused on expanding on technology, medical devices, and digital health themes to ensure world-class quality healthcare service delivery. The efforts to progress these areas are part of a larger effort to modernize care and create a more efficient system that focuses on tele-medicine, elderly care, and disease management. This means leveraging technology for innovation and increasing international collaboration to lead Malaysia’s digital health scene to further modernize their healthcare system.
Opportunities in Indonesia
Indonesia withholds numerous Life Science & Health opportunities, making it both an excellent starting point for Dutch companies that want to enter the ASEAN market, and a fruitful market for those who are already active in the region. Both public and private parties in the country have active ongoing collaborations with the Netherlands. Themes the country has been prioritizing in the last few years include the development of Health-Tech and Tele-Medicine, along with local production.
Additional market information on the ASEAN region can be found in the LSH ASEAN 5 Market Report (published in 2021).
During this trade mission, you will…
- … Take part in collective visits to relevant LSH stakeholders; such as the ministries of health, leading public- and private hospitals, relevant associations and healthcare facilities.
- … Take part in seminars/roundtables focused on specific topics matching Dutch and local interest.
- … Gain insight into entry strategy opportunities for your specific product/service.
- … Deepen existing relations in the region and strengthen ties with stakeholders you may already have interest in.
- … Participate in networking receptions where you meet (new) local business contacts (individual matchmaking is optional and against an additional fee).
To increase the quality and success of the mission, there will be a joint program* at the start of each day, as well as two programs that run parallel to each other in the afternoons. This is done to cater to both exploratory stakeholders and stakeholders that want to use this mission to deepen existing relations.
*The program is still under development and will be announced as soon as it has been made concrete.
Participation fee
The cost of participating in this exploratory visit is as follows:
- Participation fee of €500,- (excl. VAT), per person.
- Matchmaking is optional and will be offered against an additional fee of €250,- (excl VAT) per organization.
This fee includes participation in the collective program, collective local transport and local support by organizing parties. This fee excludes costs for travel, including possible regional flights, accommodation, meals, translators and individual transportation.
Register today!
If you want to be part of this Dutch LSH delegation, please register before April 11th, 2023
If you have any remaining questions about the program, logistics, or financial matters, please contact:
- Annelie Oortwijn
Project Manager
+ 31 (0)6 -820 651 43