Conference: Is your business ESG ready? | Kraków

donderdag 23 mei 2024
ul. Lubicz 23 & 23A, KrakowOrganisator
Netherlands Polish Chamber of Commerce (NPCC)Evenement data
Van 23 mei 2024 09:30 Tot 23 mei 2024 12:00The ESG reporting revolution is underway, expanding its reach to include more businesses annually. Are you a business owner questioning the relevance of ESG reporting to your operations and the significance of disclosing ESG data?
Join us and listen to industry representatives from diverse sectors-ranging from real estate to logistics. Discover their goals, actions, and the outcomes they have achieved.
09:30-10:00 Registration and welcome coffee
10:00-10:05 Official opening
10:05-10:30 Sustainability Reporting and its market implications presented by:
Justyna Wysocka-Golec
Head of ESG, Climate & Nature, KPMG Poland
Stronger regulatory requirements mean that companies feel the necessity to learn more about the ways ESG issues influence their business models and value chains. A focus on compliance, while minimizing some risks, brings with it risks of inadequate responses. Having a strategic outlook will allow the business sector to have a proactive approach to ESG issues, leading to a more coherent risk mitigation and taking advantage of opportunities from the green economic transition.
10:30-10:55 ESG Network - Office space as part of the value chain presented by:
Bartosz Marcol
Sustainability and ESG Manager, Globalworth Poland
Every organisation needs office space to run its business effectively. However, questions may arise:
- How does ESG affect tenancy? How can landlords support tenants' ESG efforts?
- How can offices fit into an organisation's ESG strategy?
- Is energy, water, waste all we need to pay attention to?
- What aspects of the building need to be looked at to support our reporting needs?
10:55-11:40 The business impact of ESG reporting - benefits vs. costs
Dr Krzysztof Staniek
Co-Founder and managing partner
Staniek & Partners
Paweł Śmigla
Member of the Management Board, Chief Commercial Officer
Mostotstal Kraków
Magdalena Lejman
Head of PR & ESG
Joanna Plaisant
Strategic Partnership and Sustainability Director | ESG Lead
Agata Dondziak
ESG Solutions Manager
Santander Bank Polska
A company's ESG goals should be measurable and achievable, and therefore demonstrated through the ESG reporting process. What do ESG reports show and what actions should you switch your business track to in the future? What are the benefits, what are the costs of ESG reporting and what are the challenges?
11:40-12:00 Networking
Thursday, May 23rd, 2024
9:30 - 12:00
Conference room, Lubiczpark
ul. Lubicz 23 & 23A, Kraków
Register here