DBN Breakfast Talk- AirAsia

dinsdag 8 november 2022

Pusat Kebudayaan Belanda Erasmus Huis Jalan Haji R. Rasuna Said 3


Dutch Business Network Indonesia (DBNI)

Evenement data

Van 8 november 2022 00:00 Tot 8 november 2022 01:30


Last DBN breakfast meeting of 2022!

We have the honour of 
Veranita Yosephine joining our last Breakfast talk of the year. Veranita is CEO of AirAsia Indonesia. The first and only female professional airline CEO in Indonesia and one of the very few female airline CEOs in Asia Pacific. She led AirAsia expansion in Indonesia translating into double digit growth in 2019 and successfully led the company to navigate through the Covid 19 challenges which brought the travel industry down to a historical bottom. Today she is driving the successful turnaround post pandemic and the digital transformation of the company towards a one-stop travel and lifestyle platform. During the breakfast talk, she will talk about these past 3 years and how to evolve post pandemic towards this new vision for AirAsia, whilst being a female leader in a male dominated world.
Passionate about diversity and inclusion in the workplace, she was recognized by UN women in new York in 2016 for her work in Gender, equality and women’s empowerment globally and received the AeroTime aviation award in 2021 for her dedication to lead the airline through the pandemic and promote equality across the industry. Leading AirAsia without prior airline experience, she spend more then 18 years in consumer goods business with extensive experience in emerging market growth strategy, she was previously Sales Director at 
Kraftheinz Indonesia and was Sales and Supply chain director at Danone Indonesia. She is a mother with 2 children and creating the time in her agenda to talk about AirAsia, the challenges of the past, the vision for the future and how to promote further equality in business.
Tuesday Nov 8th 2022

7:00 Walk In
7.30-8.30 Key-note presentation and Q&A session

Erasmushuis Dutch embassy
Members can join free of charge, Non Members fee is 150.000 IDR 

Please register before 4 November 2022 via this link https://bit.ly/DBN-AirAsia

We hope to see you there!

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