Entrepreneur of the Year 2022

maandag 31 oktober 2022


Holland House Mexico

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Van 31 oktober 2022 17:00 Tot 27 juli 2024 04:13

Who Do You Vote HHM Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022? 

Nominate somebody through this link!

Since its foundation, The Netherlands has been a nation of entrepreneurs. MKB Nederland, the driving force behind many Dutch SMEs, celebrates this every year through the “Day of the Entrepreneur”, on the third Friday of November. 

Holland House Mexico is joining the festivities by electing for the fourth consecutive time the ”HHM Entrepreneur of the Year”. 

The election of the 'HHM Entrepreneur of the Year 2022’ is phased in three rounds: 

In Round 1 (01-30 October) entrepreneurs are nominated. Which entrepreneur in the Dutch-Mexican business community do you think deserves the 2022 award? Fill out the form at the top of this event to nominate your favourite. 

In Round 2 (01 November) our expert jury will gather to select three finalists from all nominees.

The 2022 Expert Jury is comprised of:

Lia Bijnsdorp, Managing Director at United producers of Mexico and winner of the 2021 HHM Entrepreneur of the Year – Award

Julien Boijmans, Regional Sales Manager at Kekkilä-BVB

Alex de Kerpel, Senior Economic Advisor at the Embassy of The Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mexico 

Round 3 (02-17 November) is the voting round. Cast a vote for your favourite Entrepreneur in our online poll. 

The winner will be announced and celebrated on 17 November during a ceremony at the Ambassadors Residence. the winner of the HHM Entrepreneur of the Year Award receives an exclusive interview and a 1 year Silver membership to HHM.

Who do you think deserves to win this year´s award?

Round 1 is now open!

Either nominate yourself or someone else by filling out the form at the top of this page. 

This year the HHM Entrepreneur of the Year award is open to any entrepreneurs active in the Dutch-Mexican business community

You can find the article on last year´s winner, Lia Bijnsdorp here, 2020's winner Everard van Zoelen here, and 2019's winner Koen Houwen here.

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