Game Changers Asia - Circular Design Conference

woensdag 25 oktober 2023

Poppodium Effenaar Dommelstraat 2, Eindhoven


CreativeNL 3NTRY

Evenement data

Van 25 oktober 2023 15:00 Tot 25 oktober 2023 18:00

‘Game Changers Asia - Circular Design Conference’ is an event where designers, innovators and creative industry leaders from Asia and Europe come together.
The programme is part of the Dutch Design Week 2023. The conference speakers will discuss what circular alternatives we should design and how we can design systemic change, present tangible solutions and visualize different perspectives. All from an East - West perspective.
We will welcome several incoming delegations from Hong Kong, China, Japan and Indonesia. Together with Dutch designers and innovators, they venture into circular design from the angle of cross-cultural collaborations, societal challenges and different cultural backgrounds. With mind-blowing presentations and new proposals on how we can circularly design our systems, our built environment and the everyday goods we consume.

Welcome to join us for inspriring day together and some networkdrinks in the end!

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