How Ready is Africa for Blue Economy?
woensdag 21 december 2022
EU Tech Chamber Africa AllianceEvenement data
Van 21 december 2022 08:00 Tot 21 december 2022 09:00Africa’s vast lakes, rivers and oceans play a major role in the continent’s structural transformation, sustainable economic progress, and social development through fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, transport, ports, coastal mining, and energy.
If fully exploited and well managed, Africa’s Blue Economy, through costal renewable energy for instance, can constitute a major source of wealth and catapult the continent’s fortunes, to a sustainable blue development paradigm, serving Africa today and tomorrow.
To better mainstream the Blue Economy into Africa’s national development plans, strategies, policies, and law, join the #AfricaAlliance in the “Meet the Experts” digital talk on “How Ready is Africa for Blue Economy?” as together with pioneer doyens, tackle the "New Frontier of African Renaissance" for Africa’s global competitiveness, growth, and stability.