Netherlands Pavilion at Congreso OPORMEX

dinsdag 16 mei 2023

Complejo Vidanta Riviera Nayarit Boulevard Riviera Nayarit 254, Nuevo Vallarta


Holland House Mexico

Evenement data

Van 16 mei 2023 19:21 Tot 20 mei 2023 19:21

From 16 to 20 May, Mexico’s national association of pig farmers OPORMEX will hold its annual congress in Nuevo Vallarta, on Mexico’s Pacific Coast. This year, The Netherlands will be guest country, which will give us plenty of opportunities to share experiences and lessons from The Netherlands with Mexican pig farmers and other sector stakeholders. As a Dutch company active or interested in contributing to Mexico’s booming pig farming sector, you are cordially invited to be part of this event!

The OPORMEX event will consist of a 2-day conference (on 18 and 19 May) and an exhibition area for companies (16 to 20 May).

At the exhibition area, which will be open from 16 to 20 May, the Embassy of the Netherlands commissioned Holland House Mexico to organize a Netherlands pavilion for 8-10 Dutch companies that are active or interested in working with and supplying their technology, products or services to the Mexican pig farming sector. By participating in the pavilion, you will have the opportunity to meet and do business with the +/- 1,000 owners, directors and decision makers of Mexico’s pig farming sector during the 5 days of the event. 

Needless to say, we are looking forward to a pavilion that represents the best The Netherlands has to offer to Mexico in sustainable pig farming!

A company stand in the Netherlands Pavilion will have a cost of US$ 5,000 (excluding VAT). This investment includes:

  • A space of 9m² (3m x 3m)
  • Stand design with the official NL / Farming the Future branding.
  • Printing and construction of the stand.
  • Logistical support by HHM staff before and during the event.

Companies interested in participating in this pavilion, please contact Misael Oliver at by March 10th 2023.

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