NLBC.FR: Ensuring brand impact on the French market

donderdag 30 maart 2023


Netherlands France Chamber of Commerce (NFCC)

Evenement data

Van 30 maart 2023 07:30 Tot 30 maart 2023 08:30

Are you a successful company from the Netherlands, but are you struggling to crack the code of communication in France?

Do you need more knowledge of the French culture to make sure your message is well adapted and received?

The Netherlands Business Council France organises a webinar with Josiane and Incubator Studio about: Ensuring brand impact on the French market.

On Thursday 30 March 2023, from 9:30 to 10:30 we will organise the webinar with room for discussion and questions.

In this session you will learn:

  • How to set up your brand in French territory
  • How to roll out your campaign
  • How to get to know the French consumer
  • How to manage your brand to express itself on the French market

1. Introduction of the Netherlands Business Council France
2. Presentation Incubator Studio with Aurélie Bécat, co founder.
3. Presentation Josiane with Laurent Allias, co founder.

The webinar is free to attend and will be held in the English language. 

Do you want to join? Send an email to Ghalia Zébiri:

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