Online ports seminar

maandag 3 april 2023


Port of Rotterdam Rotterdam Partners Wind & Water works Economisch Netwerk in Braziliƫ Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)

Evenement data

Van 3 april 2023 22:00 Tot 4 april 2023 15:15

On the 4th of April 2023, Rotterdam Partners together with the Port of Rotterdam, the Economic Diplomatic Network, Wind, Water Works, and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) organize an online seminar for companies that are interested in port development, port logistics and port related energy projects in Brazil.

This seminar is the first activity that is on behalf of the ‘Green Ports Partnership’ program. Normally this entails exclusive activities for the companies that are registered for this program. However, this online seminar will be an open invitation for everyone that is interested in doing business in ports in Brazil. Make you sure are in time to join this seminar and see what the full program can do for your business.

What can you expect during this seminar?

During this seminar you receive valuable insights in business opportunities in the ports that will be part of the program named; Porto do Pecém, Porto do Açu, and Porto de Rio Grande. We have high level speakers that will present. Want to know more about the full three-year program? Please download below or reach out to Eva Verschoor

Download Green Ports Partnership program Brazil – NL

For whom

Dutch companies that are already doing business in the Brazilian market or potentially interested in doing business, that would like to identify business opportunities for their own company. Most relevant for companies that are active in:

  1. Port development and port logistics – themes digitization and automation in ports and logistics
  2. Port related energy projects – offshore (and nearshore) wind and green hydrogen


Tuesday, April 4th, 2023, from 4:00 pm to 5:15 pm (CET).

Program online seminar

16.00 Opening words by the Ambassador of the Netherlands to Brazil: André Driessen
16.05 Presentation of the Port of Rotterdam – Corné van Hulst, Commercial Manager International
16:15 Presentation of the Porto do Pecém – Duna Uribe, Executive Commercial Director
16:30 Presentation of the Porto do Açu – tba
16:45 Presentation of the Porto do Rio Grande – tba
17:00 Q&A
17:10 Closing remarks by the s Consul General of the Netherlands to Rio de Janeiro


You can register for this online seminar below. After registration you will receive an email with the link.
If you are interested in the full program, please register before the 1st of May by sending an email to Eva.

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