TFHC Partner Event

dinsdag 13 december 2022

Social Impact Factory Utrecht Vredenburg 40, Utrecht


Task Force Health Care

Evenement data

Van 13 december 2022 13:00 Tot 13 december 2022 16:00

You are invited to our next (physical) partner event on the 13th of December! Let’s, meet up again and (re)connect with fellow TFHC partners. However, these partner events are not only intended to maintain your network, but also to keep you abreast of the latest developments.

During this get-together, we will discuss the latest life science & health trends and developments in detail and what this means for the services of TFHC. In addition, the new TFHC partners will present themselves in a pitch. And of course, we will end the afternoon, with a *networking drink.

  • Welcome
  • TFHC Developments
  • Introducing our new partners
  • Upcoming events / Q&A
  • Networking

*Dinner can be enjoyed on own occasion in the restaurant on the ground floor.

Register now!  

Enrol for this exclusive partner event. We look forward to welcoming you on December 13th!

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