Unlocking Business Opportunities in the U.S.

donderdag 7 december 2023

Arnhem, Nederland


European American Chamber of Commerce (EACC) European American Chamber of Commerce Netherlands Oost NL NLinBusiness.com Ebury VisaVersa Internationaalverzekeren.nl

Evenement data

Van 7 december 2023 15:00 Tot 7 december 2023 18:00

This is a good time for Dutch companies to (re)consider entering or further expanding in the world’s largest market, either directly or via a partnership with a US company.

The Biden Administration recently introduced the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to stimulate investments in U.S. infrastructure and energy projects. Companies that are remotely connected to the relevant sectors are taking advantage of the billion $ on incentives and subsidies.

Our roundtable working-session will share insights about opportunities, challenges and experience on doing business in the U.S. and explain among others how to benefit from the IRA and other subsidy programs.

This program is co-hosted by OostNL, EACC Netherlands and NLinBusiness. It’s meant for companies that are either interested in or already do business in the U.S. and who want to be further updated on the latest relevant resources available.

Find more programdetails via the registration-link.

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