Waste & Circularity Mission Australia 2024

maandag 6 mei 2024

Brisbane/Sydney/Coffs Harbour Australia




750,00 euro

Evenement data

Van 6 mei 2024 22:00 Tot 16 mei 2024 15:00

Between May 6th and 16th, 2024, a waste and circular trade mission from the Netherlands to Australia offers networking, knowledge exchange, and business opportunities in waste management and circular economy sectors for the Dutch business community.

The mission focuses on Brisbane (2 days), Sydney (3 days), and the Coffs Harbour Waste Conference (3 days), featuring private and public sector networking, policy insights, investment support understanding and practical examples.

Participation fee of EURO 750 includes general program participation, Dutch Pavilion conference representation, two conference social events, and a range of promotion opportunities.
International/internal flights, accommodation, and personal expenses are not covered.

Limited spots available for interested organisations. For more details, visit https://tradewithnl.nl/en/wasteaustralia or contact Bert Keesman: E: keesman@metasus.nl Ph: + 31 (0) 6 12699014 or Jasper Verschuure: E: jasper@exlconsultants.com

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