Webinars Climate Innovation HUB at BAT - New York City

donderdag 18 januari 2024


Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Trade and Innovate NL Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)

Evenement data

Van 18 januari 2024 00:00 Tot 15 februari 2024 23:00

EDC is establishing a Climate Innovation Hub at Brooklyn Army Terminal (BAT) to advance New York City’s fast growing green economy. The Brooklyn Army Terminal (BAT) is part of the 200+ acres of waterfront NYCEDC manages in Sunset Park offering dynamic spaces, a well-established manufacturing community, and 4,000 feet of maritime frontage.

Leading up to the release of an RFP in Q1 2024, EDC invites key stakeholders to explore opportunities at BAT and connect with potential partners to form a consortium that will develop and operate the Hub. The consortium will comprise a range of stakeholders that will be asked to pilot climate technologies, develop and operate the Hub, establish business development services and create workforce programming. 

To learn more: 

Attend a webinar between January 18 and February 15 (Climate Innovation at BAT Webinar Sign Up). Check here for the exact times (in EST time zone)

Meer informatie 

Wilt u meer info over hoe u als Nederlandse ondernemer gebruik maakt van deze kansen? 
Neem contact op met het consulaat-generaal in New York.

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