Fund against Child Labour (FBK) child labour interventions


Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

The Fund against Child Labour (FBK) is one of the instruments through which the Dutch government works to combat child labour worldwide. Since its inception in 2017, FBK has awarded grants to nearly sixty projects in different sectors and countries. This publication shares the main insights gained from a selection of
completed and ongoing FBK projects. It is a follow-up to the FBK report Lessons Learned (on child labour due diligence, published in early 2020).

The aim of this publication, ‘Insights on Business-oriented Interventions Addressing Child Labour in Global Supply Chains’, is to guide companies in choosing and developing meaningful interventions to address child labour in their supply chains. By describing a range of child labour interventions, illustrated with examples, we hope to guide companies in translating the findings of their own local impact studies into adequate interventions on the ground.

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