Insights into the flower and ornamental plants in Vietnam
EU-HandelsprogrammaIt is with pleasure that we present to you the study report on Flowers and Ornamental Plants sector in Vietnam. The report is commissioned to assess the current state of the Vietnamese flower and ornamental plant industry (potted plants and cut flowers), to identify the challenges and opportunities.
Vietnam has advantages and enormous potential for the development of flowers and ornamental plants, considering its culture, diverse climate and natural resources for production, its ambition in the world market. The flower and ornamental plant sector plays a vital role in the crop production strategy of the country with vision to 2030. In recent years, the sector has experienced significant growth fueled by both domestic demand and international markets.
However, the sector is still constrained by numerous limitations and has not fully capitalized on its inherent advantages. These limitations diverse from fragmented production, unpredictable climate change development, poor enforcement of suitable policy for sector development, to the absence of qualified science and technology market, qualified labor and increasingly intensive global competition.
We see this report more than a compilation of findings but shedding light on existing issues and factors influencing the sustainable and prosperous future. It implies a call for action to bring the public and the private stakeholders, growers, industry, and knowledge closer. It urges all stakeholders to engage with the insights presented, fostering dialogue, innovation, and collaborative initiatives that uplift the resilience and efficiency of the sector.