Navigating opportunities in the Mexican water sector

Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit Netherlands Water PartnershipThe Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) together with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mexico and in coordination with the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality and the Partners for Water Delta Light Team Mexico have conducted two sector studies to help identify opportunities for the Dutch water sector in two key water management topics:
- Water management in Mexican agriculture and;
- Urban and Industrial water
Sector study 1: Opportunities for water management in Mexican agriculture
The Mexican agricultural sector is growing steadily but is affected by water-related issues such as deficits, pollution, salinity, and soil degradation.
This study describes these water problems in the Mexican agri-food sector including several sub-sectors (horticulture, livestock farming, and food processing), the water policy environment, the state of water technology employed by Mexican agri-food businesses, and opportunities for the Dutch water management sector.
The study reveals opportunities in technological improvement among Mexican agri-food businesses (irrigation systems, wastewater treatment, and water re-use and catchment) and recommends Dutch businesses to target selected high-value products in selected ‘hotspots’ (high-productivity agri-food regions with relevant water problems addressable by the Dutch).
These studies are a great opportunity for Dutch firms to gain a deeper understanding of water management in Mexico and additionally, identifying opportunities ripe for Dutch collaboration with specific insights on projects and regions.
Sector study 2: Opportunities in urban and industrial water
The complexity of Mexico’s geographical and political landscapes can also make water management seem difficult to navigate. Thus, this study will help Dutch organisations to navigate the Mexican water sector with a focus on urban and industrial water, to identify barriers to overcome and to increase commercial exchanges with the Mexican water sector.
The study provides an overview of the water management system in Mexico, including the administrative and financial elements, as well as projects of national interest. Additionally, the study provides an in-depth view of specific regions: Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Jalisco, Mexico City and Quintana Roo, with information about issues and specific needs of these states.
The document also shares insights such as:
- The main industrial consumers of water in the five highlighted states.
- It lists Mexican firms with the potential to become commercial counterparts or representatives of Dutch companies in Mexico.
- It shares two success cases of ongoing projects and its best practices
Organisations in the Netherlands are eligible to receive a copy of these two studies by filling on this website.
Source: Netherlands Water Partnership.