Sports and innovation opportunities in reference to the winter olympic and paralympic games in Italy in 2026


Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

The 2026 Milano Cortina Winter olympic and paralympic games to be held in Northeastern Italy are key sporting events as well as an opportunity to showcase innovative and sustainable products and services. One of the key challenges
faced by the organizers and the hosting territories will be to have the facilities and infrastructures ready in time. The facilities must be tested in 2025 to ensure that they are ready for the teams to practice. A key feature of these winter games is the strong attention to sustainability and re-use of existing structures and facilities (especially those used in World Cup competitions).


Meer weten over de zakelijke kansen in Italië? Bekijk de landeninformatie bij RVO.

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