woensdag 25 januari 2023

Nieuwspoort Bezuidenhoutseweg 67, Den Haag

Evenement data

Van 25 januari 2023 16:00 Tot 25 januari 2023 18:00

Book launch 'Inside the Deal - How the EU Got Brexit Done' by Stefaan De Rynck on January 25, 2023.​

De Rynck tells the EU's side of the Brexit negotiations and seeks to dispel some of the myths and spin that have become indelibly linked to the Brexit process. From the mood in the room to the technical discussions, he gives an unvarnished account of the deliberations and obstacles that shaped the final deal. Please also join us for drinks and networking later in the event.

Speakers: ​
*Tim de Wit, Presenter of Bureau Buitenland at VPRO and former UK Correspondent at NOS Nieuws​
*Stefaan de Rynck, Author of 'Inside the Deal - How the EU Got Brexit Done’​ and former Senior Adviser to Michel Barnier
*Caroline de Gruyter, Europe Correspondent at NRC Handelsblad ​
*Rem Korteweg, Senior Research Fellow and Head of Strategic Initiatives & Outreach Unit at The Strategic Initiatives & Outreach Unit at The Clingendael

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