Business Breakfast with Déhora: 4-day workweek | Poznań

woensdag 15 februari 2023

Sheraton Poznan Hotel Bukowska 3, Poznań

Evenement data

Van 15 februari 2023 10:00 Tot 15 februari 2023 12:00

We have the pleasure to invite to a business breakfast in Poznań:

4-day work week. Fantasy of rich companies or a new reality?

The experience of the pandemic forced a change in the approach to time management in companies and in many cases a switch to remote or hybrid work along with the reorganization of work schedules.

This persuaded many experts and managers to consider going a step further and shorten the working week. Ideally to 32 hours in an average four-day working week.

Together with partners of the event: Déhora Polska and Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm, we will discuss whether the idea of ​​a four-day working week is our near future, or is it just a temporary whim of wealthy companies? What are the arguments for reducing working hours and what else do we need to consider when we want to make such a change? How does it work in practice? Is the Labour Code ready for such a radical change?

The invitation is addressed to all interested entrepreneurs, including in particular business owners, managers and persons responsible for personnel policy.

February 15, 2023
Sheraton Poznan Hotel
ul. Bukowska 3/9, Poznań

Meeting language: Polish

Participation costs: free of charge for NPCC members

Please confirm your participation by completing the application form.

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