Circular Week: Put economy in circular motion!

maandag 23 oktober 2023

Mazovia Circular Economy Congress

Evenement data

Van 23 oktober 2023 09:00 Tot 27 oktober 2023 17:00


Circular Economy as a tool to mitigate climate change and biodiversity loss
Circular Week is a nationwide educational campaign about circular economy, sustainable production and consumption. It will be the 6th edition of this initiative and through this annual project, we would like to contribute and accelerate the transformation into circular future.

CIRCULAR WEEK will take place between 23-27 October 2023. Participants can join events dedicated to Circular Economy transformation and sustainable production and consumption all over Europe.

See the events agenda

Each day of the Circular Week will be dedicated to different topic regrading Circular Economy as sustainable packaging, construction, food and bioeconomy, textile, circular design, circular business model etc.

Around these topics various events will take place: workshops, seminars, networking meetings. Circular Week will give the unique chance of business matchmaking and networking for both Polish and international participants.

The focal point of the circular week is International Mazovia Circular Congress - one of the biggest and most prestigious conference in Poland regarding circular economy topic. Event is targeted to public administration, local municipalities, companies, CSR, sustainable managers, local administration, start-ups, media. Due to broad promotion it will reach as well general public.


23 October 2023 (Monday) - Plastic, packaging & chemical industry – on its way to circularity | REGISTRATION

Venue: British Embassy in Warsaw

The Embassy of Great Britain will host a debate on the latest sustainable solutions in the packaging industry, preceded by an introduction from the perspective of the European Commission, as well as international and local non-governmental organizations. There will also be a presentation of circular solutions from partners.

12:00 - 12:55 Keynote speeches

12:55 - 14:30 Panel Discussions: Redefining Packaging - what are sustainable solutions?

14:30 - 15:00 Lunch & Networking


17:00 - 19:00 Inauguration of the Circular Week at the Dutch Embassy, ul. Kawalerii 10, Warsaw | REGISTRATION


24 October 2023 (Tuesday) – Circular Bioeconomy & Food | REGISTRATION
Venue: Centrum Kreatywności Targowa, Warsaw

On this day, there will be three panel discussions and a live cooking session. Topics of the panels include National strategies for building ecosystems for circular bioeconomy development, Circular food hubs as a solution to food waste in cities, and a third session dedicated to industrial symbiosis - the use of biomass and bio-waste in various economic sectors.

9:30 – 10:30 Opening session: Systemic ecosystem for circular bioeconomy development. 

10:30 – 12:00 Session 2. Panel discussion: Circular Food Hub to tackle food waste in the cities, plant based product development.

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch with life cooking

13:00 – 14:00 Session 3. Panel discussion: Industrial symbiosis – biowaste and biomass as a source of energy, textiles, construction material, packaging

25 October 2023 (Wednesday) - Mazovia Circular Economy Congress | REGISTRATION

Venue: Cinema Iluzjon, Narbutta street 50a; Iluzjon Cinema - Museum of Film Art.
International Mazovia Circular Congress. One of the biggest and most prestigious conference in Poland regarding circular economy topic. Conference will be accompanying with circular solution exhibition.


9:30 – 10:30 Opening session: Pan-European dialogue for resource resilient Europe

10:30 - 11:15 Key note speeches

11:15 – 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 – 12:30 Session 3. Panel discussion: Ambitions of business in circular economy transformation - how entrepreneurs can contribute to circular economy future

12:30 – 13:30 Session 4. Panel discussion: Vital tools for an integrated approach to combat climate change and circular economy transformation – Green Deal, Deposit Scheme system, Extended producer responsibility, Green procurement

13:30 – 14:15 Lunch

14:15 – 15.15 Session 5. Panel discussion: Digitalization for circular economy

15:15 - 16:00 Session 6. Panel discussion: Bioremediation and wastewater treatment


26 October 2023 (Thursday) - Circular cities, waste management, deposit return system

11:00 - 13:00 Presentation and discussion on effective deposit-refund systems. Following expert presentations, there will be a panel discussion with DRS operators from Slovakia and Germany, and other international experts | REGISTRATION

13:30 - 15:30 A panel dedicated to local government officials. Representatives from Polish and European cities will discuss challenges, oppurtunities and future of circular transformation in their cities | REGISTRATION


26 October 2023 (Thursday) - Textiles & Sustainable fashion

10:00 - 12:00 Expert roundtable. The debate will gather representatives from the fashion and textile industry, bringing together big brands, small luxury boutiques and circular businesses, as well as producers, manufacturers and independent experts, academics and representatives of international NGOs | REGISTRATION

13:00 - 15:30 We also invite you to a special happening at the Warsaw Galeria Wileńska shopping center. Workshops will be held there, including the sewing of bags and cosmetic pouches from recycled materials. You will also have the opportunity to see an exhibition of "second-hand" clothing designed by students | REGISTRATION