Knowledge Breakfast on Future Competences

dinsdag 6 februari 2024
Hotel Mercure Wrocław Centrum plac Dominikański 1, WrocławEvenement data
Van 6 februari 2024 10:00 Tot 6 februari 2024 13:30The NPCC, together with AHK, Łukasiewicz - PORT Research Network and Déhora cordially invite you to participate in a conference to be held on 6 February 2024 from 10:00 - 13:30, at the Mercure Wrocław Centrum Hotel under the title:
Competencies of the future as the key to Poland's technological development. Opportunities and challenges for private and public sector employers and enterprises.
The topic of the meeting will be a discussion of the changing requirements of the labour market resulting from rapid technological development. An important element here will be to show two perspectives: on the one hand, the expectations of young people, just entering the labour market and expecting to use their potential related to high competences; on the other hand, the challenges faced by employers in meeting the aforementioned priorities of newly employed people in the company. We will consider to what extent the competences of the future are an opportunity for business to improve the quality of the tasks performed, and to what extent they are a factor hindering the fulfilment of the tasks set.
An important element of the meeting's theme will also include a social and economic perspective, including, among others, a sustainable society, as well as reference to soft competences such as the ability to communicate effectively, time management, leadership and creativity.
09:45 - 10:00 Registration of guests
10:00 - 10:05 Official opening and welcome of the guests
10:05 - 10:30 Presentation "Competences of the future as an element of building social responsibility of science" - Marek Staniewicz, Director of the Department of Social Responsibility of Science, Łukasiewicz - PORT Research Network
10:30 - 10:55 Presentation "New HR Challenges: Managing Employee Competencies in an Era of Change". - Łukasz Chodkowski, Managing Director, Déhora Consultancy Group
10:55 - 11:10 Coffee break
11:10 - 12:05 Panel discussion
12:05 - 13:00 Lunch and networking
The conference will be moderated by Łukasz Chodkowski from Déhora. The number of places is limited. The order of registration is decisive. Registration is possible until 23 January.
Please note that the event will be held in Polish.