NBCC Technological Innovation Forum

donderdag 3 november 2022

Evenement data

Van 3 november 2022 15:00 Tot 3 november 2022 16:30

Technology moves at a fast pace, and we are constantly being told about the next new thing. Have you heard of the ‘Metaverse’? No, well don’t worry, we can shed some light on this! It’s amazing, but, how could this technology be used for day to day business activities?

The NBCC and partners, EY, aim to keep you up to date through events from our Technological Innovation Forum.

You will learn:
• What exactly is ‘Metaverse’;
• How can it be used day to day;
• What are the business benefits to this technology;
• See for yourself how it works with a live demonstration

Join our knowledgeable speakers to gain a better understanding of this super technology and how it will begin to creep into day to day life – its more than just for gaming!

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